The Process for Forming a Ministry Team

1) The Team Leader determines the purpose of the Ministry Team, abiding by the church's Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs.

2) Find two or more people who share that common purpose.

3) Contact a Church Council member about the formation of your team, preferably the Nurture, Outreach, or Witness representative depending on the purpose of your team.  The Council member will help confirm that all the criteria for ministry team formation have been met.

4) If funds are needed and are not approved by budget, each team is responsible for raising its own needed funds.  Fund-raising should not conflict with other church interests already scheduled.  Any form of gambling, such as raffle tickets, is not allowed.

5) If training is requested for team leadership, contact the Pastor for scheduling.

6) Each Ministry Team needs to be missional in nature.  That is, it must be a ministry for others to the glory of God. 


7) The Team Leader must be a part of our church.  Team members may consist of people not already a part of our church.


8) Each Ministry Team will meet on a regular basis according to the time agreed upon by all the team members.


9)  The Team Leader must communicate with the Church Council when and what events will be hosted by the team.


10)  When a Ministry Team desires to no longer be active, the Team Leader is to contact a Church Council member, preferably the Nurture, Outreach, or Witness representative depending on the purpose of your team.